I think every person has a very special friend or friends. It is very important to have such a person in your environment, who can listen at a difficult moment and support you when you need it, with whom you have common interests.

I also have such a person – this is Alice. Alice is my very close friend, we go dancing together. We became friends incidentally, when decided to take a walk together before training. And so our friendly relationship was started growing.

She’s the person I can open up to. I know that she will always listen to me and support me. Of course, we keep in touch in addition to dancing. Our texting and phone calls can last all night. I’m very grateful to her for the emotions and support she gives me, I really appreciate it.

The main thing is not to be afraid to make new friends, new acquaintances! Go out and have fun! So your life will become brighter and you will be surrounded by real friends.