Hello, it’s time to talk about life plans. Each of us early or later chooses his own way of life. This is a difficult decision on which the fate of a person depends. To begin with, it wouldn’t be bad to graduate from high school, go to university, get a job and become rich, successful and happy. But not everything is so simple and you need to work hard to achieve your goals. My parents always wanted me to connect my life with medicine, but their hopes were crushed. I’m sure it won’t make me happy. I can’t make up my mind the degree I want to have, but I know I have to make this decision myself. I am actively looking for the field that I would like to devote myself to. I have a couple of ideas, but I need a little time to sort myself out. I think it’s better to think well about your future and do what you love, even if a person goes to this by mistake. Don’t listen to anyone and look for your way.